Imagine the two Docs as Euclidean geometry, much like the Pythagorean theorem, if we were to overlap them in a 69-esque position, they’d be a parallelogram. Equal in length as well as area. Now picture their opposite but equal angles as testicles. The parallel postulate of those angles, directly intersects with the center of the universe. The laws of relativity would hypothetically not apply, space and time would crumple and fold into that fixed position. Meaning everyone in all of space and time would see the 69-ing like the Second Coming of Jesus. And then I’d fucking punch you in the fucking throat, VA, in every moment of your existence in history. Your mind would be so blown, that it would be the only memory you have. You wouldn’t even know English. And finally, I’d take a cold shower after because I wouldn’t believe I’d be talked into that idea.

Published On: June 2, 2016