MY PATREON IS UP! Uh, bu- but I’m not sucking anything, okay?


(I figured I worked hard on this comic, might as well upload it.

Who are these people?

The Tall Morty makes these comics under the name The Aspirer. He’s afraid of going on Rick’s adventures but sure likes drawing them. Firstborn.

The Tiny Rick is actually Tiny Angry Rick. He keeps Tall Morty walking the straight and narrow of Ask Bloggery. There was no Summer to prevent what would of happened to Rick in Big Trouble in Little Sanchez. But on the upside, now they’re like almost normal brothers.

Also, Tiny Angry Rick backed up his genius inside Tall Morty’s brain so it wouldn’t completely fade off.

Read the Original Blog for more of their antics.)

Published On: April 16, 2018